The Best Entry Level Job for IT Students

Dion Geraldo
4 min readJul 13, 2019

First and foremost, a disclaimer has to be made. All the things that you’re about to read in this article are purely my opinion and based on my personal experience.

Well hello again Medium people! It’s been a LONG TIME since the last time I write something in this wonderful platform. I’ve been having an affair with something called “Writing Procrastination” (clearly something I have made up myself), hence the long overdue writings.

So, in this article I would like to share my opinions on what entry level job or more specifically what type of company is best suited for any undergraduate IT or computer science students to take as their starting point. Without further ado let’s start :D

In the beginning there was…

Photo by Good Free Photos on Unsplash

It was slightly before graduating from university that I was thinking to my self “where would I be working right after I graduate?”. At that time I had not yet start my journey of building a startup with my close friend (you can find the story here). I also had a lot of suggestions from family members (close and not so close one) about where should I continue or start my career path. One particular advice suggested that I should work at a big, well established company because I can learn so much from their process which then later be used at a smaller scale company when I moved out. Which to my common sense (at that time) was not a bad idea.

Fast forward 1,5 years later (after a roller coaster startup building journey), I stepped down as a co-founder and continued my career path alone in the wilderness unknown :). In the end, I was given an opportunity to work in a what I consider a small software house-type company as a UI/UX Designer with an okay salary (at least enough for my basic needs and some small shopping) but with some additional perks that I like. I worked at that company for about 14 months.

And there, I found the answer to my question…

As like most software house company workflow goes(proposal, design, development, delivery), I experienced enough stuffs that regardless of all the development or design drama that might happen, I can firmly say that all that has taught me that maybe (just maybe) a software house company is a pretty good choice for any IT or computer science students who are looking for an entry level job.

Let me tell you my top 2 reasons behind my rather non scientific hypotheses :D

  1. You will learn the best practice of how to develop product from start to finish.

Some people might say, “well you can still experience that in any tech company dude!”. Well true, but what I mean by develop from start to finish is that you will experience how to start a project from just ideas that are often even the owner doesn’t know what to do about it and end up with even more absurd or unknown ideas until it is delivered to the owner. You will learn the general best practice of building a web or app project. You will learn all the necessary tools and ways of communication during the implementation / development phase.

2. You become an integral part of a product and make an impact

Us millenials are a generation which crave an impact in our workplace. Working at a well established company is good, but if you are the type of person who really crave those impacts, working at a smaller company or in my case, software house company is good place to start. When you are working at a company like this, you have the full hands on experience on the development side of things. And when the product is finished, you get to see that product being used by real people and how it might impacted their life.

So, there you have it. That’s all my opinion on what type of company that might be a good starting point for any undergraduate students looking for an entry level job. Once again they are all entirely based on my opinion and just like shoes, there are no one size fits all. Just take what you think is good and leave what you think is useless. :D

That’s all from me. Thank you so much for reading this rather absurd article and even leaving a clap or comment on in. I’m hoping to challenge my self to write 1 article on Medium every week since I actually have so many things going on inside my head. See you around!

Got feedback? Or you want to share your own story? Share with me below in the comment. And thanks for stopping by :D

In case you guys are curious about me, kindly check my social media @diongeraldo on Twitter & Instagram



Dion Geraldo

Sr. Product Designer. Love good coffee and good books. Write about many things.